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  • Business Agility via Digital Transformation in UAE
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rosysnet October 5, 2016 blog-microsysnet 0 Comments

Businesses have to be lean is an adage that is known for a long time. In the 21st Century, the word lean is changed to agile meaning lean with muscle that is flexible and able to transform to changing environment with respect to technology and the demands of the marketplace.

Information technology (IT) has become an organism within businesses that is ever evolving and growing; the rate of growth is incalculable as emerging technologies transform businesses. The Gulf is the new hotspot for IT growth, which is unprecedented; small population spread over tiny land mass and overflowing with unlimited investment capability has leapfrogged the Emirates to the forefront of emerging IT technology. IT services in Dubai is perhaps among the best in the world and Dubai web hosting domains are reaping the rewards of best-in-class IT infrastructure.

Although the Gulf was behind other places in the world such as Scandinavia and the Far East (comparing land mass and populations) with respect to IT implementation, they have caught up quickly and poised to surpass them. Legacy systems coexist with the latest devices in the Gulf which is a credit to computer repair by India based technocrats who have set up MSP (Managed Service Provider) enterprises that maintain legacy systems and also offer AMC services in UAE allowing this tiny group of nations to reap the benefits of massive investment and IT outsourced expertise. This win-win situation is realized when foreigners witness the depth of government services available at the touch of a button or gesture. No more is UAE dependent on oil revenues to drive GDP growth, as non-oil e-commerce activity is gaining traction by the hour. Spin offs such as digital literacy among the denizens of UAE and innovation in education and health care means the future technocrats of Earth will emerge from the Gulf.

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