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  • Dubai’s Own IT Support Services
rosysnet May 23, 2018 blog-microsysnet 0 Comments

IT support services are the latest buzzword in countries like Dubai, home to many small to medium scale businesses that find it difficult to have a dedicated IT department on a small budget. With managed IT services being offered through an affordable Annual Maintenance Contract, small businesses are able to ensure network uptime and virus-free systems that are crucial to their business.

Web Hosting Services

One of the reasons why small companies opt for IT support services is because of attractive features like web hosting services in Dubai. Some of the advantages seen with web hosting services are faster quick page load time, website security, and the ability to manage and enhance a website with advanced apps created for the very purpose of enhancement. These and additional features such as additional storage, user-friendly control panels for the purpose of tracking and hosting websites, make web hosting a must-have service for small and medium-sized businesses.

Additional Features of Web Hosting Services

Besides the standard services made available through web hosting services, some companies also offer additional services, like website domain registration, domain locking, and domain transfers. Subscribers of this service can leverage the high-performance servers used by the service provider, as well as user-friendly control interfaces that allow companies to host and control their websites.

Advantages of Annual Maintenance Contracts

Whether it is web hosting services in Dubai or any of the other services offered under the umbrella of IT support services, there is no doubt that annual maintenance contracts are here to stay. With unbeatable services and excellent helpdesk support, these AMC-based services outdo traditional IT support and guarantee their subscribers peace of mind.

Speak with a managed IT support services company today and enjoy the benefit of support from a team of IT experts, at your service.

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