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  • How MSP Enhances Business Value to SMB
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rosysnet January 10, 2017 blog-microsysnet 0 Comments

The chief aim of outsourcing IT infrastructure to MSP is because the SMB (small and medium businesses) do not have

•  No time to think about IT on a daily basis
•  They lack technical skills
•  are limited in manpower

No SMB wants to be saddled with an IT related infrastructure problem on a Monday morning. How many times you would have come across this message when transacting with an e-commerce site. “We are facing difficulties with the payment server links; please try again after some time.” These kinds of message are infuriating and most often than not the transaction is canceled, and the customer is lost – forever.

SMBs give the IT maintenance to MSP so that they can devote 24 x 7 x 365 – meaning all the time. MSPs have automated solutions for resolving issues such as online backup of software and patches as they develop. Cloud back solutions in Dubai is a major enterprise related activity as e-commerce platforms prefer to keep their datain the cloud allowing their workforce in the field and onsite to access and maintain the information in real time. The other critical area for MSP is AMC Services in UAE. Over the years the hardware requirements have increased with various vendors marketing equipment. Some work on proprietary technologies. It is to the credit of MSPs in the Emirates who have bases of managed IT support in India that they can call for technical backup through remote monitoring.

Proactive approach and execution are the primary keys in implementing cost savings and efficiency in customers’ IT infrastructure. This work is not easy as the control due to the variations in the requirements of each client is different. The personnel of the MSP requires training and retraining regularly so that they are knowledgeable with the latest threats and solutions for countering it.

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